Southern Seafood

A guide to the shellfish of Oceania

Features over 340 species in colour, including

  • Prawns, crabs & rock lobsters
  • Scampi, bugs & mantis shrimps
  • Bivalve & univalve molluscs
  • Squids, cuttlefish & octopuses
  • Urchins & sea cucumbers
  • Jellyfish
  • Yabbies & river prawns

Photos of most species are presented at life-size.

It also includes tips on handling seafood and popular recipes.

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What is Southern Seafood about?

Southern Seafood by Don Tuma is a comprehensive and detailed coffee table book that delves into the rich and diverse world of seafood found in the southern regions, particularly focusing on the shellfish of Oceania. It's not just a book; it's an extensive culmination of over 60 years of dedicated marine biology research and hands-on fieldwork by Don Tuma, a seasoned marine biologist with a deep passion for the marine life of Australia and the surrounding regions.

Here are the key elements that Southern Seafood encompasses:

Extensive Collection of Marine Life: The book showcases over 400 stunning photographs of approximately 340 species of shellfish found in Oceania. These species include prawns, crabs, rock lobsters, scampi, bugs, mantis shrimps, bivalve and univalve molluscs, squids, cuttlefish, octopuses, urchins, sea cucumbers, jellyfish, yabbies, and river prawns.

Life-Size Photographs: One of the unique aspects of this book is that most species are presented at life-size, providing readers with a true-to-life perspective and a deeper appreciation for each species' intricate details and beauty.

Rich Informational Content: Beyond the visual feast, the book offers valuable insights into handling seafood and includes popular recipes, making it both an educational and practical guide for seafood lovers and culinary enthusiasts.

Dedication and Passion: The book is a testament to Don Tuma's lifelong commitment to studying marine life. His journey began with his arrival in Australia in 1959 and spans several decades of work, including assignments with CSIRO, establishing a prawn farming venture, and engaging in various fisheries management issues across Australia and Oceania.

Cultural and Historical Significance: Southern Seafood is dedicated to the peoples of Oceania, recognising their skills, knowledge, and cultural contributions to shellfish resources. It serves as a historical reminder of the development and significance of these resources in the region.

A Visual and Educational Journey: Through Don Tuma's hobby of photography and his professional work as a marine biologist, the book offers readers a unique opportunity to explore the seafood of Oceania. It's designed to engage seafood consumers, enthusiasts of marine biology, and those interested in the cultural heritage of Oceania.

In summary, Southern Seafood is more than just a book about shellfish; it's a visual and educational journey that spans a lifetime of knowledge and passion for the marine world. It offers readers a unique, in-depth look into the southern seafood trade, the science behind it, and the beauty of the creatures that inhabit these waters.

Author's note

My work as a marine biologist began in Australia sixty years ago, long before contemplating authorship of this book about shellfish as seafood of Oceania. By chance my hobby of photography became useful for identifying various live marine and freshwater animals encountered at sea, in estuaries and freshwater.

Some of the photos in this book will be familiar to the general public as consumers of seafood harvested by commercial and recreational fishers alike. Other photos may evoke recollections by ethnic groups seeking to emulate dishes familiar to their native lands. Still others represent images of species selected for farming in freshwater and marine enterprises, and, a few are outside the ambit of commerce, but provide sustenance for indigenous fishers of remote regions. Together, they represent some 340 species of shellfish as a valuable and unique resource of Oceania.


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Customer Reviews

Based on 14 reviews
Mark Jones
From a New Zealand perspective

Having spent the greater part of my life in the cultivation of seafood, I was pleased to receive a copy of Southern Seafood. The book is well researched and written, and contains a wealth of information hitherto not available from a single source. Every possible edible creature from Australian waters is covered and well illustrated. However, and this is a big however, for a book claiming to cover Oceania, it fails miserably in it's coverage of New Zealand seafood. We are a unique country, usually ignored by Australians, but we are part of Oceania. We have seafood that just shouldn't be ignored, such as Bluff Oysters, Toheroa, and Geoduck, to mention a few. Come on Don, you have written an amazing book, but it is not complete. It is time to consider a 2nd Revised Edition that includes our seafood. Then you will have written a masterpiece. If you need to be pointed in the right direction, let me know. I will be only too happy to oblige.

southern seafood book

very imfomative book about australian sea food

Matt Walker
Southern seafood

Absolutely outstanding. Brilliant insight and detailed illustration 👍

Cathy Michelle
Southern seafood

Love it .thankyou so much .cathy .

Glenn McNally
Southern Seafood Review

A comprehensive and very detailed work. Well written and illustrated. Highly recommended.

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